Painful Hardware

  • Foot and Ankle surgeries often require a combination of plates and screws to be inserted into the foot.

  • Although the intention is to keep the hardware in the foot, sometime the hardware can become painful requiring removal.

  • Dr. Marsh does not remove hardware until a year after surgery unless it is infected.

  • When required, Dr. Marsh removes hardware through as minimally invasive incision as possible. After hardware is removed most patients will be able to fully weight-bear right away.

Mass Resection

  • Soft tissue masses of the foot and ankle can be troublesome and painful

  • Most masses are benign and include ganglion cysts, mucoid cysts, lipomas, fibromas & osteochondromas

  • Rarely the masses are malignant. Rarely do benign masses of the foot transform into malignant masses. If the diagnosis is unclear an excisional biopsy may be required

  • As masses enlarge they can press on surrounding nerves that can causes pain. They can make show wear difficult and painful. If symptomatic, painful masses can be resected.