Dr. Andrew Marsh

Orthopaedic Surgeon



Dr. Marsh is a Royal College-certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, specializing in elective and traumatic Foot & Ankle surgery.

Welcome, new patients! This website will provide you with a list of the orthopaedic conditions treated by Dr. Marsh, as well as instructions for obtaining a consultation.

For current patients, the aim of this website is to help alleviate any stress through the operative process and provide educational resources on what you and your family can expect before, during and after surgery including post-operative protocols.

Patient Information


New Patients

Welcome to new patients: summary of
orthopaedic conditions treated by Dr. Marsh

Obtain a consultation

Access Referral form for Family Physician


Current Patients

What to expect on day of surgery:
Humber River Hospital

Frequently asked questions

Post-operative protocols

Pt Info Photo.jpg

Contact Us

Downsview Orthopaedic and Arthritis Centre
3695 Keele St, 2nd Floor
North York, Ontario M3J 1N2
Tel: (416) 479-3580
Fax: (416) 479-3656


Humber River Hospital – Fracture Clinic
1235 Wilson Avenue, First Floor, Portal D
Toronto, Ontario M3M 0B2
Tel: (416) 242-1000 ext. 23005